We’ve dug into Psalm 23 before. The last time I posted about this passage, I focused on the promise of presence (read the post here). Today, I’ll shift to another promise: the Promise of Pursuit.
“Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the LORD forever.” (Psalm 23:6, NLT)
The word ‘pursue’ in this verse is often translated as ‘follow.’ Growing up, I used to picture this verse as Jesus leisurely strolling behind me.

Actually, pursuit is a more fitting image for this verse.
The Hebrew word for ‘follow’ or ‘pursue’ is radaph, and it literally means “to run after, chase, put to flight … hunt.” It’s much more intense than a steady stroll.
The hunter stalking a deer, staring fixedly, moving stealthily, running resiliently ... this is pursuit.
Jesus is a pursuing person.
We often accept this as true pertaining to our salvation, but this verse isn’t even talking about that. It’s talking about God’s goodness and unfailing love. Jesus’ pursuit transcends rescuing you from sin. He wants to come after you with good things! He wants to catch your soul and lavish love on it!
He will chase you down wherever you go, and He won’t stop running until He finds you. He seeks to overwhelm you each and every day with blessings.
Jesus has set His eyes on you, and He will always pursue your heart.
God’s love for you is unstoppable and inescapable. He says you’re worth chasing. He says you’re worth pursuing. You are worth seeking after.
Enjoy the pursuit of your Shepherd. He is enthralled with you.
Maybe you’re having a hard time seeing God’s pursuit in your life. If that’s the case, ask Him to open your eyes. His never-ending, never-relenting pursuit is a promise; and our Father always keeps His promises. He has surely pursued you with goodness and love all the days of your life – and He forever will.