It’s time to revisit one of the most popular Psalms – Psalm 23. So far, I’ve written of four promises in this six-verse song, and today I’ll bring a fifth: The Promise of Protection.
Safety is a basic human desire and need. Every person on this planet longs in some way, shape, or form, to have safety in their life. But the world we live in is rather ... unsafe.
We learn at a young age to hide, fight, or shield ourselves from the dangers of this world. Like a child huddling in the closet, our souls tremble within us, hoping not to be found by a menacing enemy who wishes to bring us harm.
There is a better way to live. There is a kind, strong, valiant Defender who will cover you in the shadow of His wings – Jesus, our Protector.
“You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies. You honor me by anointing my head with oil. My cup overflows with blessings.” (Psalm 23:5, NLT)
God has a way of surprising us. He delights in doing the unexpected. This Psalm describes an interesting scene: enemies encircle David, yet instead of fighting them or taking David away from them, God throws a party. It’s as if He ignores the dangers completely as He honors David by anointing and blessing him.
It’s not so crazy when you think about it. God wasn’t threatened by David’s foes; nor is He threatened by whatever dangers you face. He’s so much bigger, and stronger, and better than anything the world could throw at you.

The Goliaths of life appear immense and impenetrable to us – but our Protector sees them as grasshoppers.
And so, He lays a table. Right here and now, in the middle of it all.
In the midst of our perceived danger, heaven hosts a holy party, and the fears of earth are erased and forgotten. There is no question in David’s mind; with God feasting beside him, he is perfectly protected.
Often times, when we find ourselves in uncomfortable places with less-than-pleasant people, our tendency is to flee. We try to find an escape.
God doesn’t always work that way. Many times, His heart is to show up and move in the midst of the surrounding danger.
God may not remove the situation, obstacle, or danger you are faced with. The reason could be that He wants to come through for you in a mighty way.
You can live fearless and confident. You serve a God who is more powerful than your enemies. Jesus is able to pull you out of the challenges you’re dealing with, but He is also able to do something great in the midst of where you are.
Consider the possibility that perhaps, your Dad wants to throw you a party in the middle of your struggle. Trust Him to work in the best way for your life. He’ll protect you and give you all you need to conquer each day.
Your Shepherd will not leave you vulnerable before the wolves of this world. Stick with Him, in steady trust that He will protect you as He’s promised.