Psalm 23 has been the basis for a couple different posts about Jesus’ promises to us. Today, I’ll be revisiting this famous Psalm to pull out yet another jewel of truth: the Promise of Presence.
“Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me.” (Psalm 23:4, NLT)
Sometimes we are faced with difficult or painful situations or even life-threatening circumstances. There are days and seasons we walk through that are dark and uncertain. Even in these times, we don’t have to be afraid.
Why not? Because our Shepherd is close. His presence is enough to calm our anxious hearts.

For my first two years of college, I worked as a nanny for three children: a 6-year-old boy and 3-year-old twin girls. I would often pick the girls up from pre-school and take them home in the afternoon.
One weekend my car was having some problems, so I called my grandfather, who lived 50 minutes from campus and often helped me whenever my car had issues. He and I took sweet Priscilla (that’s my car’s name) to a mechanic to get her fixed.
The following Monday, I was supposed to pick the girls up, but Priscilla was still in the repair shop. My grandfather offered to drive me to the girls’ school and then drop us off at their house.
I was grateful for his help, as it allowed me to take care of my nanny kids, but I wasn’t sure how the girls would handle riding home in a strange car with someone they’d never met.
Before I led the girls outside, I told them about the situation and explained to them that my grandfather would be driving us home. When we got in the car, one of the girls wasn’t bothered in the slightest by my grandfather; but the other girl, who is shy around strangers, started to cry.
I reached back from the passenger seat and held her hand, telling her, "It’s okay. You’re safe. I’m here.”
After a few minutes, she settled down and didn’t cry for the rest of the drive. Though still a little uneasy, she was calm, holding onto my hand and looking at me. The other girl prattled away, happy to replace the quiet with her sweet voice.
When you are afraid, reach out for your Father’s strong hand. Take comfort in knowing that He is right beside you. He is your Comforter.
Jesus is a fierce protector who shields you from danger, and His perfect love casts out the fear that tries to seize your heart (1 John 4:18). Regardless of what you’re going through, you can rest in the protection and comfort of your Shepherd.
He is nearer than you know – He holds you close to His heart. You are His sheep, and He will do whatever it takes to keep you safe.
As you step into His never-ending, never-failing presence, you’ll find that all your fear fades away. He is with you, for now and forever. His presence is a promise for your heart. Reach out and take hold of it.