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The Jesus

I Know

The Promise of Provision (Psalm 23)

Psalm 23 is one of the most famous passages in Scripture. In just six short verses, David describes many powerful promises in beautiful imagery.

This psalm is especially comforting in light of Jesus’ words in John 10, "I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd sacrifices his life for the sheep ... I know my own sheep, and they know me …" (verses 11 and 14, NLT). We have a Shepherd who loves us and knows us.

There are many promises within this psalm, but today I’ll focus on one: the Promise of Provision.

"The LORD is my shepherd; I have all that I need." (Psalm 23:1, NLT)

The opening verse of Psalm 23 is so simple in its statement, yet so deeply impactful. There is a saying, 'A picture is worth a thousand words.' The first five words of this psalm paint a beautiful picture of the Lord as our Shepherd. The loving care, protection, guidance, and patience of a shepherd all represent God in His care for us.

The second half of this verse flows from the first. Since the Lord is our Shepherd, we have all that we need.

Sheep don’t have to worry when the shepherd is around. They don’t have to fend for themselves, find their own food, or decide which path to take. The shepherd is their source of protection, provision, and direction. He takes care of every single need.

The Lord is your Shepherd, and He will provide for you. In every area of your life, He will take care of you.

Jesus provides for far more than your basic needs – food, clothing, shelter, etc. He cares about the details. When you need a friend, He will bring one. When you need a break from the chaos, He’ll bring His peace. Whatever your circumstance and whatever your need, you have a good Shepherd who is ready to cover you and care for you.

Ask your Father to provide for you. Trust Him to give you what you need. He is willing; in fact, it is His delight to do so.

The One who created the stars and knows them by name, the One who sees every sparrow who falls, the One who clothes the lilies of the field in splendor – He is the same One who breathed life into you. He will surely sustain you and watch over you.

Rest, free from worry, knowing that Jesus, your Shepherd, will care for you well. Because he is most careful with you, you can live carefree.




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