As I have pondered the Christmas story this week, the idea that keeps coming to my mind is this: In one day, everything can change. Everything.
In one day, Mary’s status transformed from betrothed virgin to future mother of the Messiah.
In one day, Joseph was given clarity, courage, and strategy.
In one day, Elizabeth and Zechariah were no longer childless.
In one day, the shepherds were brought into the miracle of the nativity.
In one day, Jesus entered the earth and forever altered history.
In one day, the trajectory of the world was dramatically shifted, and the salvation of mankind entered the scene through the tiniest of human beings.
24 hours. 1 day. That’s all it took.
Now it’s important to note that each of these ‘one days’ was preceded by many other days, and even years, of preparation.
Mary was getting her heart ready to be wife and mother before the angel came to her room. Joseph had likely spent much time, thought, and prayer on how to handle their scandalous situation before he received a dream with direction.
Elizabeth and Zechariah waited years – decades even – to have the blessing of a child in their home and hearts. The shepherds had given their whole lives to caring for sheep before meeting the perfect Lamb of God.
And Jesus . . . well, He had stood watch all of time (and before) for just the right moment to insert Himself into the climax of God’s great story.

But when the right time came, after all the weeks and months and years, it was one day. One day for a new destiny to be realized. One day for the miracle. One day for the Savior to take His first breath, and for our universe to breathe with Him a new, never-to-be-the-same life.
Today could be your day. Today could be the day that everything changes. What have you been waiting for? What is God preparing you for? Have hope; today is your day.
This is the day the Lord has made. Rejoice. Be glad. And have hope in today.
Today could be your day for breakthrough. Today could be your day for healing. Today could be your day for provision.
When you look in the mirror each morning, take a moment to stir up excitement in your soul. Anticipate that God will work mightily in your life and day.
Tell yourself, “Today is my day. Jesus, come infuse yourself into today. Today I’m believing for .” As you choose in faith to believe the best for each day, God is honored, and He will meet you. He will come for you. He will not disappoint you.
Stay hopeful, dear one. Your King is coming for you – and today is your day.
Amazing. In one day everything can change. I never thought about that in terms of the Christmas story.