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The Jesus

I Know


Almost a year ago, a friend asked me two important questions: Why does Jesus accept me? And what am I supposed to do with His acceptance? After reflecting on the topics, these are the answers I came to.

Why does Jesus accept me?

He doesn’t accept me because I’m perfect. His choosing me is not based on my own efforts, but on His amazing love for me.

When my Father looks at me, He sees something I don’t. He sees beauty there. He sees strength there. He sees who I am now and also who I will one day be. All this He saw before the world was even created. Before the foundations of the earth were laid, He made an incredible plan to bring me into His family.

He chooses me because He created me. He created me in love, by love, and for love. He designed me out of a desire to have a one-on-one and one-of-a-kind relationship with me. This kind of confident creation and breathless joy astounds me.

Was my sin an issue? Yes. But it didn’t stop Jesus from accepting me.

The problem of my sin was nothing compared to the solution of my Savior. Jesus willingly flung everything else aside because nothing could compare to His joy of having me. It was for the joy set before Him that He endured the cross. What was that joy? Me.

When He was whipped inches to death, He thought of me with every slash. When He carried the cross toward His site of crucifixion, He pressed through the pain with a determination to win me back. When He closed His eyes and released His last breath, He knew His work for me was finished, my freedom was purchased, and His ultimate purpose was complete.

Jesus couldn’t be contained by death; He rose from the grave and later ascended to heaven, where He is now sitting by the Father and ever defending and fighting for me. He always backs me up and pleads my case. When Satan accuses me, Jesus shows His scars to remind everyone that I am free.

What an overwhelming love story of grace! Two thousand years after Jesus’ sacrifice, I said yes to Him. He waited two thousand years for me. It’s mind blowing.

So why does Jesus accept me? Because He loves me. He has always accepted me.

Before I was even born, He paid the price for me to become His and to have access to Him. He said yes to me long before I even knew I needed to say yes to Him. His acceptance is eternal and unchanging. He has always been for me, never against me.

Considering this great acceptance, what am I to do?

Nothing. That’s right, nothing. Jesus doesn’t accept me initially and then tell me I have to do everything perfectly now that I’ve been welcomed in. That doesn’t make sense. I didn’t earn His acceptance or love before; as a member of His family, I don’t have to now.

All Jesus asks of me is to accept that I am accepted. To simply rest and be in His great love for me. It is His love that transforms and changes me.

Sure, I could try to change all my sinful behavior and make my own righteousness. I could strive for His affection and attention, which He has already freely given me. But that’s not Jesus’ heart for me. He loves me, right here and right now.

Am I perfect? No. That’s not what matters. I’m His. That’s all I need to know, and that’s all He wants.

I do want God to change me. Not because I’m a horrible wretch who can’t stand myself, but because I love my Daddy and I want to become more and more like Him. I am confident that He is continually bringing change into my life, and He does this by teaching me who I truly am and by washing me in His love.

I could be Martha, rushing to serve the Lord and getting frustrated with how little I’m able to accomplish on my own. Or I could be Mary, content to sit at Jesus’ feet and hear His heart for me. I choose to let all the running and working and striving fade away while I listen close to His words.

I’m captivated by Him; and He is captivated by me. This love we share, this union of intimacy, this precious relationship . . . it’s enough. I am satisfied by fixing my eyes on His glorious face (with eyes that say, “You’re forever mine”) and resting in His strong arms. He holds me in an embrace stronger than life itself, and I never want to leave.

This love is deeper than anything I’ve ever known and so much greater than all the things I’ve ever tried. I choose this. The rest will take care of itself.



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