I’m not the type of person who has friends for life. It’s not that I don’t want friends who last a lifetime; it’s just the way my relationships have panned out.
I don’t have best friends from when I was 4 years old. I don’t have childhood friends whom I’m still close to. Even my dearest friendships in high school and college have faded with time and distance.
I have had some friends for years, and others for months. I’ve had friends to laugh with, cry with, sing and dance with, share deep matters of the heart with. I’ve had friends to encourage and be encouraged by.
I’ve had friends who kept me accountable. I’ve had friends who lifted me up when I was down. I’ve had friends who didn’t give up on me when I was broken. I’ve had friends who called greatness out of me when I didn’t know it was there.
I’m so grateful for all the people who have made an impact on my life. If a friend of mine is reading this, thank you for giving yourself to me. I have received much joy, love, and hope from my friends over the years.
Amazing as my friendships have been, they’ve been temporary. I call them seasonal friendships. No, they’re not full of spices, and no, they don’t relate to the weather. ;) They are seasonal because they come into my life for a season, and when that season’s over, our friendship drifts away. It’s not bad or wrong; it’s just the way it is.
I started to learn this truth (that people come and go in life) when I graduated high school and my friends and I went separate ways. I didn’t like it at first.
As time went on, and I came to accept this reality, I determined that I would enjoy each friend as long as they were in my life. I still don’t like to let go of people when it’s time to say ‘goodbye’ (or sometimes, ‘see you later’), but I now have peace in it.

Friends come and go ... but Jesus is with me forever.
That is the greatest truth I have experienced regarding friendships: Jesus, my Best Friend, has never left me or slipped into the background. He has always been faithfully mine; and as the years have gone by, we have only grown closer.
He’s seen all my highs and lows. He gives me His proud, beaming smile when I’ve accomplished something (big or small), and on rough days, His eyes shine with compassionate tears. He is a steady Companion, through thick and thin. Rain or shine, if I look around, I’ll find Him by my side.
Jesus is my main Confidant. I trust Him with my silliest thoughts and my deepest pains. When I need someone to talk to, He’s the One I go to.
Throughout my days, He drops timely encouragement into my soul. ‘Hey, I love you.’ ‘Well done on your work.’ ‘I like that shirt on you.’
He corrects me when I need correction, in His gentle and kind way. He helps me get out of bed when I would rather not face the day. He reminds me who I am and who I’m called to be. He’ll go with me anywhere, talk about anything, and do whatever, as long as we’re together.
He’s such a good listener. He doesn’t mind when I ramble or get off track, and He understands when I can’t get the words out that are stuck in my throat. He laughs with me (and sometimes at my silliness). He jokes with me. He cries with me.
I don’t ever have to worry if He’ll accept me – the real me, the raw me. I know that I am fully accepted and enough in His sight. And even when I don’t understand myself, He understands me. Sometimes, He even helps me understand myself!
All this doesn’t begin to describe how outstanding my friend Jesus is. It’s such a unique and precious relationship that I’m not even sure how to put it to words.
There is no one like Him. No friendship compares.
So though I don’t have a lot of close friendships with people, I have the closest friendship I’ve ever known with my King. It’s mind-boggling to think about; that He would want to be friends with me. But He does. He is. And that thought always makes me smile.
In case you’re wondering, you can have an infinite and intimate friendship with Jesus too. It won’t look like mine – you’re much too unique for that. But I promise that a friendship with Him is the best you could ever have.
It will change you, for the better. It will challenge you to grow into a greater you than you’ve ever known. It won’t always be easy; but it will always be good.