“Loyalty.” There’s a certain ring to that word, isn’t there? But what does it look like? What does it mean to live in loyalty?
There are many figures in the Bible who exhibited of loyalty – people such as David, Jonathan, and Ruth. Their stories and lives tell us that loyalty is faithful, sacrificial, relentless, and steadfast; and beyond all else, loyalty is rooted in love.
“The words I say to you I do not speak on my own authority. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work.” (John 14:10, NIV)
“As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love.” (John 15:9, NIV)
There is no greater picture of loyalty than Jesus. His loyalty reaches farther, dives deeper, and speaks stronger than any other. His commitment to His Father, and to His cause, propelled Him to give up everything for us.
He traded the height of His holiness for the humility of a human. He lived perfectly and faultlessly, completely submitted to the Father and to Holy Spirit. He only said what Father said. He only did what He was commanded.
Jesus entered the world in obedience. He lived a loyal life. He died a devoted death. Three days later, He rose in victory! And still, He remains faithful and committed. Not only to Father God and Holy Spirit, but to you as well. The loyalty of Christ was born out of an immeasurable love in His heart for you. He is loyal to you because He loves you.
The deepest loyalty is rooted in love. Learn to love, and loyalty will come. As you grow in these attributes, remember that Jesus – the Loyal One – is with you, and He is for you. His love for you is unfailing, and His loyalty to you is endless.