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The Jesus

I Know

Jesus: Faithful Friend

“No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not understand what his master is doing. But I have called you friends, because everything I have learned from My Father I have made known to you.” (John 15:15, BSB)

“The Son of Man, on the other hand, feasts and drinks, and you say, ‘He’s a glutton and a drunkard, and a friend of tax collectors and other sinners!’” (Matthew 11:19, NLT)

God designed us for human interaction. We were fashioned for friendships. It’s part of what makes us human – we thrive most when people are part of our lives.

Because we live in a world that is fallen with people who are imperfect, there are abundant opportunities for relationships that are not life giving. Broken and hurting people often break or hurt us. Friends become enemies. Trust is shattered. Vulnerable hearts get burned and vow never to show themselves again.

It can be hard to find a friend that is steady, true, kind, and loyal. It can be a struggle to open up your heart and trust someone. But there is one whose friendship is both satisfying and safe – I speak of Jesus.

Jesus was accused of being a friend of sinners – the worst of the worst. He even acknowledged that title which others had placed on Him, yet He did not rebuke it.

Jesus wasn't afraid to confront or correct, and He spoke the truth (in fact, He is the truth). So why didn’t He tell His accusers that He wasn’t a friend of sinners, that they had it all wrong? Perhaps it was because He really was the sinners’ friend.

I believe that was (and still is) the case. Jesus is our friend, whether we’re deeply depraved or saved and set free.

Does the ‘Friend of Sinners’ condone sin? No. But Jesus never allows anyone's sin to keep them from Him. That is, after all, why He came to earth: to bring us back to Himself.

He destroyed the power of sin and death so we could live freely in full friendship with Him.

Jesus went great lengths to save His friends. He gave up His very life – His tears, His sweat, His blood. He breathed His last breath and surrendered His life for us. We would probably call ourselves His enemies in that moment. He didn’t. He called us friends.

How crazy is that? How radical? How amazing?

Why do you think Jesus was given the title, ‘Friend of Sinners?’ It must’ve been that He behaved as a friend toward them (a mind-blowing revelation, I know).

Think about it. What do (good) friends do?

• They listen.

• They share.

• They don't shy away from hard conversations.

• They fight for you.

• They keep your secrets.

• They get you out of the house when you've been cooped up.

• They take care of you when you're sick.

• They jam with you and hang with you.

• They keep you accountable.

• They speak truth into your life, from a place of love and kindness.

• They invest their time, their heart, and their love into you and your life.

• They laugh with you.

• They cry with you.

• They give you gifts.

• They surprise you.

• They make you feel safe.

• They make you feel seen.

• They love you for who you are – and they call you to be even more.

Jesus is not afraid or embarrassed to associate with you. He’s not worried about giving Himself to you. He loves you, and He delights in being your friend. He will never leave your side; He will never let you down. He will never stand you up.

Jesus is a faithful, forever friend, and He has chosen to be yours. Not because He has to. Not because He’s obligated to or it’s expected of Him. No, He chooses you every single day because He wants to be in your life. And He wants you to be in His.

That’s the thing about friendships: they go both ways (at least, they do in healthy friendships). Jesus doesn’t just want to be your friend, but He wants you to be His friend. He invites you into a companionship with Him that starts today and goes on forever.

His arms are wide open to you. Come on in.



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