We live in a world of awareness. People want to be aware of themselves, aware of others, and aware of what’s going on (locally and globally). We have seminars, meetings, and events, all for the sake of making us more ‘aware.’
As a Christian, there are realities you should be aware of. One of those is your value.
“Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world.” (John 17:24, NIV)
Here in John 17,we find Jesus’ final prayer to His Father before His arrest and crucifixion. This particular sentence so sweetly expresses His longing for His followers. He wanted them with Him, and He wanted them to witness His glory.
Jesus wants you.
In fact, He always has: Ephesians 1:5 says, “God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do, and it gave him great pleasure” (NLT, emphasis mine).

Before light even existed, before time began to tick, your Father desired to draw you in. He has always wanted you; and He always will.
This means that you are valuable to Jesus.
It’s a simple and obvious statement to say; after all, He poured out His perfect, precious blood for you, not sparing a single drop. But sometimes this truth is tough to swallow.
In a world entrenched in self-deprecation and a sense of unworthiness, it can be hard to let your worth and identity as a wanted-one permeate your heart. Yet that is who you are.
If you hear anything, let it be this: You are wanted. You are valuable. You are enough.
Your Father sent His only Son as a sacrifice for you because He wanted you. He was (and is) aware of your unmatchable value, and He gave His very best to purchase your freedom.
You can allow the doors of your heart to swing wide with confidence, for you are fully accepted and completely cherished by the One who created all.
Let Jesus in; He is gentle, kind, and strong, and His desire is for you.