“The LORD is my light and my salvation – so why should I be afraid? The LORD is my fortress, protecting me from danger, so why should I tremble?” (Psalm 27:1, NLT)
When you think of confidence in the Bible, one of the clearest examples is the life of David. He was an unhesitating and unfaltering warrior for the Lord. He led with decision and exuded confidence wherever he went.
David’s source of confidence was not himself, but God. He knew that God would not fail him. And he was persuaded that God was always with him, giving him victory.
“I lay down and slept, yet I woke up in safety, for the LORD was watching over me. I am not afraid of ten thousand enemies who surround me on every side.” (Psalm 3:5-6, NLT)
“And when I wake up, you are still with me!” (Psalm 139:18b, NLT)
David was incredibly and intimately aware of Jesus’ presence in his life.
When a bear attacked his sheep, he fought it and won – later, he gave credit to God, who was with him, protecting him. When he boldly faced a giant, it was in the Name of his present God. When he hid in caves, he trusted the Lord to shield him from his enemies.
David didn’t question if God heard him, nor did he assume He was oblivious to his struggles. He spoke clearly and emphatically with his King, heart to heart and mind to mind.

In victory, David praised Him. In failure or brokenness, he sought Him. Regardless of season or circumstance, David continually relied on the Lord, knowing that He was always in reach and an ever-present help (see Psalm 46:1) for whatever he faced.
David’s awareness of God’s presence banished fear. It caused him to walk in authority and victory.
This close relationship birthed songs. It inspired people. It kept David steady in topsy-turvy times. And it’s one of the greatest reasons we admire King David. He is forever remembered as a man who was after God’s heart and was intimately acquainted with his Lord.
But this confident awareness and intimate closeness had to start somewhere. Where did it begin?
I believe David first drew close to God in the field with his sheep. That’s where his first battles were won, and I imagine, where his first songs were sung. As a young boy, serving his father, David learned to know the voice of God and to sense His kind, strong presence.
Day by day, bit by bit, step by step, David was formed into a confident, kingly, triumphant man who clung to the Ultimate King in every moment. His famous character was the result of a lifelong process.
Where are you in your journey with Jesus? Are you closer than bread and butter? Are you just starting to know Him? Are you somewhere in between?
Regardless of your current status or situation, you can plunge a little deeper into your King today. Every day is a chance to know Him more.
If you’ll give your life to seeking His face, to learning what His presence feels like and His voice sounds like, one day you’ll realize that you’re closer than you’ve ever dreamed and more confident than you dared to hope.
Your Father is forever with you. Your Savior’s Spirit dwells inside you. Take a deep breath and look for Him today. Draw near.