“And Jonathan made a solemn pact with David, because he loved him as he loved himself. Jonathan sealed the pact by taking off his robe and giving it to David, together with his tunic, sword, bow, and belt.” (1 Samuel 18:3-4, NLT)
One of my favorite men in the Bible is Jonathan. He was a prince who laid everything down for the sake of someone he loved. To Jonathan, David was never a competing rival; when Saul perceived David as a threat, Jonathan embraced him as a friend.

Jonathan gave everything to, and everything for, David.
As Jonathan made a pact with David, he gave him his robe, tunic, sword, bow, and belt. These were more than mere clothes or weapons – they represented Jonathan’s identity as the future king of Israel.
Jonathan handed over his supposed destiny to David. The one who was in line for the throne bowed out of the way so God's chosen one could rule.
He recognized the anointing upon his friend’s life – he saw David for who he would one day be. And he supported him completely. When his own father tried to assassinate David, Jonathan stood by David’s side. He was willing to give up his relationship with his father, his flesh-and-blood, because of his love for David! He protected David at the risk of his own life.
Without Jonathan, where would David be?
You can be a Jonathan to someone. You can be selflessly loyal and radically loving. If you choose this path, it will require sacrifice. You will have to give up much.
You will have to let go of your own desires, dreams, and purposes, so that you can give your efforts to the benefit of another. Taking someone by the hand, you’ll push him or her ahead of yourself. You’ll give him or her all you have and all you are, no matter the cost.
Without you, where will your friend, spouse, child, coworker, or whoever be? You have the opportunity to empower those around you. Are you willing to lay aside your own desires for them?